Reconnect, Rebalance & Rise

 Reconnect to your authentic self and gain the confidence to rewrite your own rules, and walk your life’s purpose. 

Experience deep connection to your authentic self, envisioning your dreams in a fresh perspective and gaining the courage to actively chase them. With support from a transformational warrior, in personalized, one hour, one-on-one sessions, embark on deconstruction and integration work that leaves you feeling more grounded, whole, and assured in your path—no matter how distinct your dreams may be from those around you. Manage your mind so you can live from the heart.

Come back to your authentic self, come back home to you.

  • “Within 2.5 months of working with Jamie, I’m a completely different person. More integrated, more whole, more capable than ever of bringing ALL of me with nuance and complexity into my awareness with compassionate unwavering attention. I can feel a deep sense of peace and possibility slowly finding its way into all the places that used to feel stuck and uncomfortable.” I am beyond grateful for Jamie’s expert, truly soul-based coaching.”

    Pema Rojas-Echenique

Payment plans are available.

jamie walker life coach

The world needs you.

As a Mind Rebel™ Coach, I will help you manage your mind, so you can live from the heart. The journey to reconnect with your authentic self may be challenging as you confront truths, but I'll be there beside you throughout, providing a supportive environment with deep space, tools, and guidance. What is shared is held sacred, never judged or shamed, you can bring it all into this space. My mission is to mirror back your truth, greatness, and divinity, facilitating a fresh perspective that allows your authentic self to shine forth — because the world needs it more than ever.

All the answers and next best steps are within you. You’ve survived everything up to this point, now it’s your time to thrive.